My Life in Bangkok

Archive for July 7th, 2009

Guilty feelings about Michael Jackson

Posted by baby ele on July 7, 2009

Dear Readers,

I’ve been having a week where I need to sit and think alot about alot of things. Be reflective on my life and decide and be proactive about things.

Despite this, oddly enough, I find 15-20minutes each day to google or youtube random things about Michael Jackson.

First off, Jordan Chandler (1993 Child Molestation case) admitted on June 29th 2009 that he infact did lie, and his father put him up to it. I’ve been reading this on a few websites, but haven’t seen it on CNN, why? Is it all a big lie? It’s weird how it’s not on any proper news websites.  See the report here

Secondly, I was reading some MJ forums, and someone said, “His lyrics for Morphine now make so much more sense”

Snippet of Lyrics (fastforward to around 2:48)

” Relax, This won’t hurt you, Before I put it in,Close your eyes and count to ten, Don’t cry,I won’t convert you
There’s no need to dismay, Close your eyes and drift away…

Demerol,Demerol,Oh God he’s taking demerol
Demerol,Demerol,Oh God he’s taking demerol”

If that’s not depressing. I don’t know what is. That was his song in 1997, what a cry for help! 😦

Finally, I received an email from Jeab that freaked the bejesus out of me.

Of course it is just a shadow (or not?) but the music and everything, and the very cute red font, MJ? Bye!

Anyhoo, what I was saying about this whole MJ thing, is that I really really like his music. But at the same time I MIGHT still believe that he is a pedophile, and how can I support that? (I’m venomously against child sex offenders and sex offenders in general.) Argh, so I was in the “MJ is such a creep” – camp. But now, with all these home videos coming out, and all this sad news about his drug addiction, I just feel so sad about him, like he was really misunderstood (like Britney maybe?)

I think the saddest time this week, was when I saw him in the helicopter stretcher On CNN, and when I found out he was a drug addict, it really hit me…”Oh shit…Michael Jackson really did die.”

Aieya so so so sad.

Okay gotta go get ready to watch the memorial!
Still feeling guilty for supporting him though..

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I is kewl ‘cuz I know the slang, fo’ shizzle.

Posted by baby ele on July 7, 2009

Dear Readers,

Greg and I went to go play tennis today. On the ride back, were listening to his hip-hop songs, I have to say, some are truly truly ghetto. One that went something along the lines of, “I give it all night she is bow-legged”



Greg: This song is so awesome, (“Stuntin’is a habit by David Banner)
Stacy: What’s a habit?
Greg: Stunnin’
Stacy: What’s that?
Greg: You know showing off, things like dat….
Stacy: *blank stare*
Greg: You know, Stuntin’ like S-T-U-N-T-I-N-G
Stacy: Oh you mean Stunt TING?
Greg: no you drop the t so it just sounds like Stuntin’
Stacy: but isn’t that stunning?
Greg: *smiles* yea..sumthin’ like dat

Of course I asked for him to teach me more slang. But the more I repeated the words, the more we both were realising ‘dat tis really aint my thang’ <—haha. I sound like Mario Lopez, you know the very awkward host of America’ Best Dance Crew (sorry Mario! but you really are horrible.)

And you know what is the weirdest irony, is that in Singapore I am/or at least was considered a hip-hop princess. I like to dance to hiphop (fo’sure) but playing it all the time…I rather stick to my Pop, Retro, Easy Listening and Oldies/Motown anyday.

So thanks Greg for the slang lesson, but I know my limits and definitely won’t ghetto-speak anytime soon.

Peace out!

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