My Life in Bangkok

Posts Tagged ‘Daily Musings’

Being a Bag Lady and the Power of Suggestion.

Posted by baby ele on June 21, 2009

Dear Readers,

Being a bag lady
On Thursday, I basically rolled out of bed and went to work. Quite literally. No wait, let me emphasise the extreme hidden faux pas in that sentence. I rolled out of bed, and DIDN’T CHOOSE NICE CLOTHES to wear to work. I basically wore my black gym leggings and a black ‘long’-butterfly-cut tshirt. I scrunched up my hair in a bun and wore my brown pokka dot and went to work.

Which is totally fine, especially when I work in a family business, and I don’t get expose to many non-family members. But the problem came when I unexpectedly had to go to the bank, and go grocery shopping. And I thought to myself, “Omg…i’m the bag lady!” The last time I pulled a similar faux-pas was 2 years ago in Singapore, where I didn’t care what I was wearing, wore my red jogging pants, a t-shirt and a jean jacket to class. Denise was so shocked, she said, “omg, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU! You look like a nanny!”

haha, so on Thursday, I did it again. Which, sometimes I feel there is some liberation in thinking, “who cares! As long as I’m comfortable with myself I’m feeling great!” Or, “Screw what the fashionistas say! I’m wearing my leggings out!” But at the same time, I feel hideous ugly, and I think to myself, why oh why did I wear this out.

I’ll always remember this quiz from Seventeen Magazine, where they asked,

“Which is the best time to put on makeup?  is it..

A. When you are on a date at an amusement park with that special friend of yours?…or
B.  When you are walking your dog?…or..
C.  When you know you are going to bump into your current crush?

The answer, dear ladies and gents, is letter B.
i.e., whenever wherever you go out, you must look fabulous because you never know who you can bump into.

So thus, my defiance on style ( and common sense), really was a huge shaft to this whole “2009-is-the-year-I’m-going-to-date” theme. Which, by the way, is going nowhere. Partially because, I’m apparently suppose to find someone with similar values, similar tastes? And  if I like being at home, and not going out. Then he also likes being home and not going out. So we are both at our separate homes. And we’ll never meet! Fantastic!

Anyways back to being a bag lady, Thursday really reminded me of my mom’s best friend, Aunt Lily. I don’t want to be Aunt Lily (typically homemaker, who puts everyone before herself, wears her husbands clothes, and ties her hair up in a very retro high pony..hmm..pony-bun.) Argh! Really scary. Will make an effort to never have a bag lady episode again.

The Power of Suggestion
On another note, yesterday morning, I got up, washed my face, and as usual, draped my towel over my full length mirror. Walked away, and the mirror FELL TO THE GROUND, SMASHING INTO MILLIONS OF PIECES. and I was so shocked. Upset and shocked. But as if in some form of denial, I just closed my bedroom door; went downstairs to eat my breakfast, then baked Ma Lai Goh (Chinese steam cake). Only 1 hour later, I walked upstairs with the vacuum cleaner, picked up all the big pieces, hid the mirror from sight, and now all those pieces are hiding underneath my bedside table. I’m hoping to throw it away when nobody is looking.

And as I was cleaning up my mess, I really feel that people like me, we shouldn’t be given expensive full length mirrors. We should be given those sticker mirrors, just like what Barbie gets. Sure, the image is a bit distorted, but it is around there, and I’d be able to get a rough idea of how my outfit looks like. *sigh*

Clumsies like me, we aren’t allowed full length mirrors, nor are we allowed FRAMELESS GLASSES (I broke my pair again last month.) I guess we are doomed to wear those hideous ugly thick rimmed plastic glasses, extremely ugly, but extremely durable. 😦 Boo.

And you know how they say, if you break a mirror, you’ll have SEVEN years of bad luck? Forget that! I broke a mirror and I’m not going to have any bad luck because of it! The power of suggestion is so strong, maybe that’s why that superstition lasted so long. Because, If I break a mirror, and the whole day I carry on like, “omg, I broke a mirror, I’m going to have bad luck”  Then I would just be carrying a huge “GIVE ME BAD LUCK!!” energy, and then of course I would get bad luck. (naturally.)

The power of suggestion is killer strong. The other day I was asked to give a tarot reading for a friend. And he is going to start school, worried about his new life, in a new country, new environment. And I have to say, all cards were reversed (not a good). So what I did, was turn the cards over, kinda read the meaning of each card, but put my Stacy-positive-spin on things, and basically said everything he wanted to hear.

I felt like a Thai-fortune teller. It is such an easy profession. Just look into your customers big yearning eyes and guess what things would make them happy, tell them, do all this hoola-hoola nonsense speak and ta da! You get a big tip!

So I basically told him,

Re: Academics: “School will be difficult, but if you work very hard, it will pay off, so remember when exams are hard, or your assignments are tough, JUST DO IT, put all your energy into it, and you will get rewards later.”

Re: Love “Maybe you’ll meet someone in school, but you will also be studying really hard so not sure if you have time for her, but maybe she is your classmate” (CLASSIC)

Re: Life in General “You are going through  a lot of changes now, but you are strong, and will survive”

So cheers to positivity! I hope that that set him in the right direction. Hee hee, I feel so naughty, but at the same time, he has to think positive so that he can make his new life positive.

Maybe I should make a part-time career as a fortune teller in this case, any one up for a reading?

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We all scream for ice cream?

Posted by baby ele on April 17, 2009

Dear Readers,

When you live in Bangkok, traffic is a sign of normalcy. All last week, I had the most enjoyable time driving on the roads, hardly any cars on the roads (because who would risk driving out, besides yours truly?), really fabulous driving.

Today, life is back to normal, a busy friday, with friday traffic.  I took Grego to lunch and couldn’t help myself to a McDonald’s softee-ice cream with the chocolate dip. (Personally, I prefer it to Dairy Queen’s because the chocolate coating is much thicker) And I was walking around MBK with this huge icecream cone, happy like a chubby bu bby baby.

That’s how I felt like. A happy chubby bubby baby. And lots of people were giving me quick glances, I’m sure they were all craving for ice cream too. hee hee!

Anyhoo, thank goodness Songkran holiday is over. Monday is a working day and I am definitely welcoming it.

You scream, I scream, We all scream for ice cream? Satisfy your ice cream craving today!
Go ahead and spoil yourself, you deserve it. … or at least…that’s how I rationalise my guilty pleasures.

Chubby and bubby,

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Writing a Love List – advice from a hopeful.

Posted by baby ele on March 20, 2009

Dear Readers,

Wow, I am just really surprised that I got 62 hits on my blogsite just from my short brief post of  “How to get lucky in love

There are alot of us out there looking and hoping to get lucky in love. And if you did read the article, there was a brief mention of writing a love list.

When I googled “how to write a love list” , there wasn’t much material on the topic. So here I go, contributing to the magic ‘How To’s’ DIY Love articles .

Check out these two articles on
The Love List  (really lovely story)
The Truth about Magic Lists

My previous Love List
So, thinking back, I do have my own personal experience with writing  a love list.  It was back in … 2002, when Rita, Heather, Andrea and I –  sat down and listed 99 qualities of our ideal man.

Most were really silly like:

11. is tall (er) <–(note: for Rita and I, this isn’t a demanding requirement at all)
12. know some magic tricks
47. know how to play guitar, or be able to serenade
68. have eyes that pierce into the deepest depths of our soul (Heather made that one)

And at the bottom of the list, we wrote
For candidates who have a score below 95 – Don’t bother us.
For candidates who have a score of 95 – 99 – Date-able.
For candidates who have a 99 score – Marriage proposal expected.

hahah or something to that extent. And we printed the list in colour, and taped it on our dorm-room doors. I bet it scared all the men away. 

hahaha…good times…good times…

I think it was 3 years back when I realised, you know what? screw lists! I have to be more open minded about who I date, not if he isn’t this…isn’t that. Who cares?  Love should be unconditional and non-judgemental.

Correct, non?

My thinking is, if there is a list or..criteria…then..there is bound to be  some men who are splendid and wonderful (LADIES – think positive, THEY MUST EXIST!!!) that fall outside my criteria range. <–because I might not know what I really want.  And in that case, they will be  ignored?

So since then, I don’t really have a distinctive ‘type’ of man in mind. All I request is for him to be caring, loveable, and geeky.

Anyways, back to writing the love list. The point I was getting at, is up to this moment, Mr.Ideal from 2002, has never surfaced. The reason for this was because back then, the list was quite shallow

Getting in the right mind-set…realising what we really want in that special someone.
According to that Oprah article, our inner-self has  3 overlapping circles. (like this diagram) 

1. The Shallows Our inner self - diagrammed
2. The Ring of Fire
3. The Core of Peace


If you ask me, that article is damn bloody confusing. I found a much better article to explain it, click here

Stacy’s interpretation of unclear new age lingo:
The Shallows – we want more money, we want to drive a better looking car, date rich people, date slim girls (ARGH I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE POST THAT AS A REQUIREMENT IN THE PERSONAL ADS!!!!) Getting the drift? Everything concerned here is surface level only. We are defined by what we own, what we are in terms of our career.  At this level,  we chase material items to increase our happiness.

The Ring of Fire – An emotional process we have to go through. Literally, some form of hell, some sort of loss that will shake us up and make us realise our core of peace. 

The Core of Peace – So after walking through and surviving the Ring of Fire, we can realise our core essence. If you shed away all the material possessions you hold that you feel define who you are. Your values. Your character. Your dreams. Your pure self.

Finally getting down to it…drafting that Love List
So ideally, for the love list to work. We have to list 100 qualities we want in our special partner in terms of REAL Genuine terms.

For example:

Love List no-no’s
1. Make enough money for us to afford 2 cars.
2. Come from a rich family background.
3. Have a slim slender body

Love List-ables
1. Have similar family values.
2. Have a good sense of humour.
3. Be a conversationalist.

Also, I also read that, when we make lists, we should omit the words, “don’t” “not” from our list.

For example, if you know you don’t want to date a cheap person, then write, I want to meet someone generous

I guess we have to focus on what we really want in our ideal partner, qualities, traits and characteristics. Do not focus on their possessions, or anything that is temporary.  

 Writing the Love List
So get a piece of paper. (preferably lined). Or if you prefer, open up MS Word, and start listing out ONE HUNDRED real and true qualities you look for in your ideal match. 

When you are finished, put it aside, and see whether your ideal person will walk into your life.

The idea is, you channel and clearly tell the universe what you want, and the universe will give it to you. (THANK YOU UNIVERSE!!!)

I didn’t expect this blog post to take so long to write (its now almost 2am!)  I’m going to sign off and sit on my bed, with my pen &  paper and write my love list. I am a bit boggled how on earth I’ll come up with 100 qualities (because honestly at the moment I only have 3 – loveable, caring and geeky)

Whatever you do. I say, hide the list. So that no one knows it except for you. Because, you can imagine the psychotic nightmare of someone finding your list, acting out all those qualities and tricking you into falling in love with him/her! (Fine, I admit, I watch too much TV…but still… you never know.)

If your love list does work, please let me know. I’d be super interested to find out, and it’s always lovely to hear a romantic story from time to time.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved.

Good luck and may love flow into our lives 🙂

Your romantic hopeful,

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A day at the DMV – Bangkok Style

Posted by baby ele on February 19, 2009

Dear Readers,

Thailand has a very weird strange tradition? not a tradition, more like a regulation. I received my first driver’s liscence (temporary) on December 24 2004,  December 24th 2005 received my 5 year liscence. And it expires February 20th 2009!

A 5 year liscence expiring in less than 5 years? (10 months earlier?)  Everyone’s driver’s liscence expires on their birthday!

Happy Birthday! Expose yourself to thousands of people and germs, waste a morning at the DMV! So sweet of them!

Mr. Celebrity advised me -> Stacy, don’t speak a WORD OF THAI. not a WORD.

The process for renewal for foreigners? We go there, show our passport, work permit, and queue for vision/reaction test. (and avoid the 1 hour training lesson – in Thai – for thai people)

I have to say, when you are renewing your 5 year old liscence, the ladies at the counter are not too happy about you not speaking a word of Thai. They spoke to me in Thai, (because I also look Thai) and I did the whole,

*blink twice* I’m sorry can you say that again? My what? my work permit? Ooh, here you go.. 🙂
*blink twice again*No, I don’t speak any Thai, um..mao cow jai? (deliberately horrendous thai)

Anyhoo,  I was directed to room 16 for my vision/reaction test. I knocked on the door before I entered. Opened the door, and to my amazement, it is this um..6m x 7m room, with roughly 25 people? (So stupid of me to have knocked!)

There were small lanes for testing, first was the colour blind test, followed by a reaction test, then some dimension gauging test? and finally a peripheral vision test.

Colour Blind Test
This test was the standard colour chart test, a mixture of yellow, red and green dots, big and small – all combined in one huge circle. Then the testing lady, she is a real character, with her pointer stick – pointing at different circles and we are suppose to call out the colours. She moves at the speed of lighting, I think 10 colours in 30 seconds. For the Thai people she was much meaner, I had 4 motorcycle taxi drivers in front of me, and she was speaking loudly to them, “WHAT COLOUR! SAY IT AGAIN! CLEARER!! WHAT RED YELLOW RED YELLOW SAY THE COLOUR I POINT TO!” geeeeeeeeeeeeesh! We stood 5 road cones away, and when we passed that test she put out her palm and said, PAPER! and we would all scurry over for her signature.

Reaction Test
Surprise surprise, Mean Tester lady moved 2 steps to the left and she became our Reaction Test judge. I quickly read through the instructions when waiting, but during the test, she gives you no idea what to do. So if you weren’t paying attention earlier in the waiting halls, you basically are screwed.

Try to figure out from the situation what I had to do:

1. Box 4-5 meters distance from me- looks like a domino with 2 dots. One dot is red, and on the bottom is green.
2. To the side of the dots, is a LED light grading, green and red (bottom to top)
3. A plastic stool to sit on.
4. A simulation brake and accelerator pedal.
5. One mean lady sitting beside the box.

So I had no idea what to do, was stepping on the accelerator saw the red dot flash. Saw the LED lights zoom up from green to red. Looked at the lady, she wasn’t happy at all and told me to step on the brake when I see the red dot flash. Ahhh…I tried the 2nd time but I guess my reaction was slow, and plus I SLAMMED on the brake which she wasn’t very happy about that either…. But  3rd time is the charm! And I survived! yay!

Weird dimension visual test
This is also probably a very standard test, but looked quite ghetto. I basically have to alight one moving stick to a stationary stick. – Obstacles ==> Sticks are like Straws, Sticks are positioned 5 meters away, in a small box, and there is a old control –> Press green for forward, press red for backwards. I’m thinking…the stick is originally 20 cm away from eachother, and you have to match them.

But I passed it fairly easily! yay!! better than those motorcycle drivers! woohoo!

Peripheral Vision Test
This has got to be a germaphob’s worst nightmare. You have to put your nose in this mould thingy, and there are light boxes surrounding your head, and you are suppose to call out the colours you see.

Omg! I almost fainted when I saw all the 4 people in front of me put their noses in the thingy, and then it was MY TURN? And i kept on thinking, damN!!! i should had brought my facial wipes!
So…I did the test without putting my nose in the thing, just hovered 5cm outside the designated area…*shivers*


After the test, I went back to the original counter, and said I didn’t understand Thai. The lady then ushered me inside a small 2 meter wide aisle, with a TV in the centre, and 4 wooden student chairs. THEY NOW UPGRADED AND HAVE ENGLISH VIDEOS TO WATCH!!! When the video stopped playing,  signed a book, and sent to collect my queuing number. The lady at the information counter didn’t believe that I passed all my tests and training (because I guess I took too short of a time?) she walked me back to the training room, and I was smiling as much as possible No!!! sorry! excuse me! I took the test already! watched the video already!!!

My queue number was 96, there were 24 people ahead of me. That translates to 1 hour worth of waiting time. I passed the time chatting to a very nice Scot couple, so time flew by very fast.

The final step of getting my driver’s liscence? My photo taking! Which was quite fun, because I figured, hey its the last phase, I can speak a little Thai…so joked around with the lady a bit. She let me retake my photo because in the first 2, my hair was a mess, and my shirt was slanted. But at the endof the day, both she and I decided to go for the disheveled look because I looked “sweeter” haha.

She also wanted to take my old driver’s liscence away from me, but I knew how much Greg wanted to keep mines (because its really horribly ugly, and he laughs everytime he sees it.) So I made a special request to keep my driver’s liscence, hopped over to the photocopy machine – 2 baht, gave her a copy and I was done!

Quite efficient and I was very impressed! My card was printed in colour, in 2 minutes!

All in all, I was at the Prakanong Transport Bureau ( I guess that’s what it’s called?) for THREE HOURS. Ugh..

That office was packed with people, can you imagine, all of us had roughly the same birthdays? (those renewing) I wonder if how many of those people had the same birthday as me…and how oddly different we all are…

Hmm…30 minutes into being 25, and absolutely loving it!

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Realistic endings.

Posted by baby ele on February 8, 2009

Dear Readers,

Hello. I forfeited a saturday night of clubbing for ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS! and absolutely loved it! Theodore is the cutest thing ever! This week has been a good movie week, everynight I am watching a good film – ZODIAC (really good), then The Incredible Hulk (with Edward Norton), and today I saw Becoming Jane (with Anne Hathaway and James McAvoy).

Argh!!! *spoiler alert* (Becoming Jane) 

*spoiler alert*

*spoiler alert*

I’m so upset that Jane Austen never marries! Her books are really wonderful (my fave being Sense and Sensibility) and all her main ladies get their man in the end, never realised that she never got hers! And to think he was *SUPER SPOILER ALERT* willing to throw everything away to live a life with her. In the end she leaves him because she understands all his responsibilities and obligations, and won’t let him give that up for her, because in the future she felt that he would hate her for it.

I was sitting on the sofa screaming, “NOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Argh!! Why can’t something work out? They both could go start their lives together and all things will fall into place, if not, they’d make it happen. Maybe I am too much of an idealist, but if I were Jane, I would go to Scotland, elope, write and make money. If you are with the love of your life, everything will fall into place, right? know Hollywood, may have romanticised Ms. Jane Austen’s love life a tad bit,  so I’ll have to get my hands on a Jane Austen biography to find out the real deal.

*sigh* anyways that ending really bothered me.

I’d run away with James McAvoy anyday,

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Pre-Chinese New Year Haircuts

Posted by baby ele on January 24, 2009

Dear Readers,

As a custom, I went to have my hair cut before Chinese New Year. Lately its been very dragging and huge, so much so that I usually hide it in a pony tail.

Meeting my hairdresser is always a joy, especially since I’ve lost weight. Today he complimented that I look prettier! and have a nicer body shape (thank you!). And because of this weight loss, I was FINALLY able to layer my hair so that my long bangs end mid-cheek. I was a bit shocked when he proposed to layer my hair starting that point,

Stacy: Really? Will it look pretty? (in my ghetto speak thai)

Hair Dresser: Yes! You can do it now because you are skinnier.


He always has something nice to say, just like a few months ago, when he noticed that I was no longer pregnant. I can so vividly recall him saying: “You have no more….*handmotion over his stomach like a baby bump* baby!”

When he was cutting my hair I told him he could go shorter, like around my shoulder?..and he happily just cut cut cut away. I should really be more vocal. I felt like saying , “Hey Buddy. enough is enough!” But instead, I sat there biting my bottom lip.

He cut away all my curls, but he gave my hair some movement, so it looks somewhat wavy? I guess that was what he was going for.

And as he was just about finished blow-drying my hair he says, “hmm…not pretty.”


He says my personality suits curls more, and asks me to come back for the ultimate hairkiller – 3 hours of perming and highlighting. (double duty damage!) all for 3,500baht!

But I like my hair, its different than the usual mane I wear, and I’ve lived with curls for the past 2 years, so I suppose it’s time for something new. But then again…after dinner I couldn’t stand it, took out my curling iron and gave myself loose ringlets again.


Anyways, cheers to the Year of the Ox and for new beginnings!

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I love myself today

Posted by baby ele on January 15, 2009

Dear Readers,

I realised today that I really love myself today, not like yesteryears. Consequently, I’ve had Bif Naked’s chorus on repeat in my head:

 “I love myself Today NOT LIKE Yesterday, I’m COOL I’m CALM, I’m gonna be okay uhuh!

uh huh, I like that chorus.

Anyways, it takes adversity/conflict to realise how much my outlook on life has changed. I beat my destination addiction! (see: my previous self)

I mean, yes I have that weight loss goal, but at the same time, I am perfectly content at the size I am now, I’m a size 4! I don’t really need to be a size 3! 

Thank you to all of you who have constantly supported me and told me that I never needed to lose weight.

I kicked my destination addiction! YAY!!!!!

Happy to be living in the present,

PS Sorry for the self-centre post ;P

PSS(or is it PPS?) – My new happiness score is 25! up 2 points! Take the quiz here

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Never Too Old – A lesson to learn – A nightmare to experience.

Posted by baby ele on January 13, 2009

Dear Readers,

Mom read this brief news to me, I immediately cut it out of the newspaper, and it’s going in my notebook of randoms.

*clears throat* Ladies and Gentlemen, let me share with you this story…

Never Too Old
REUTERS, Beijing

A 107-year-old Chinese woman who was afraid to marry when she was young, has decided to look for her first husband and hopes to find a fellow centenarian so they will have something to talk about, a Chinese paper reported.

Wang Guiying is worried she is becoming a burden to her aging nieces and nephews since breaking her legs when she was 102 and having had to stop doing chores like washing her clothes.

“I am already 107 and still haven’t got married,” the Chongqing Commercial Times quoted her saying.

“What will happen if I don’t hurry up and find a husband? My nephews and nieces are getting older and their children are already tied up with their own families and I am becoming more and more of a burden,” Ms Wang told the newspaper.


Wow I don’t know whether that is inspirational or …an eye opener.

If you have a grandpa who is a centenarian living in China, or willing to relocate to Chongqing, play matchmaker!

There are things that I really admire about Ms. Wang, like for example:

  • I want to live pass 107,
  • I can’t imagine she still did chores when she was 102 (Well done.)
  • I should learn from her and be optimistic about meeting people.

 But at the same time, I don’t envy her position.

*puts hands in  prayer position and chants please don’t let this be future me… please don’t let this be future me*

nervously biting my nails,


Ooooh, I just googled her name!

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A day documented – Movie Star – September 25th 2008

Posted by baby ele on September 25, 2008

Dear Readers,

I went on live television again today. My 3rd time, and so I was surprised how non-chalant we all were. Went there an hour before the shoot, got our scripts and had our make-up done.

I really put effort in fixing my curls last night, used serum, my super wonder hair curling cream (as recommended by my guru Denise) and fell asleep lying perfectly still in bed so I wouldn’t ruin them.

Picture this – the make-up artist finishes doing my makeup, says I look really good, and asked me if I did my hair at home, and I smiled sweetly (as sweet as my limitations go) and said “yess 🙂 🙂 :)”

She does this smile of approval, pats my hair..smiles…and then RUNS HER FINGERS THROUGH MY CURLS TO PULL THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: *jaw on the floor*

And because I used the super curl wax, she pulled and tugged on them like tangles. hahah what a sight.

Anyhoo, the live show was quite good, our customer came on the show to talk about his experience with HAIR2! Its so nice of him to do that! He’s quite a good looking fella, so I’m happy we were able to help him, but his willingness to come on the TV show when I asked him was so surprising!

I’m lucky that the camera was focusing on him for the majority of the interview, my only downfall was that I sat in the middle, and when I saw my self on TV, I honestly looked <———————> THAT wide. DAMN!!! So being the incredibly person I am, I tried to fidgit just a bit, switch my angle so I look better. haha.

The MC’s didn’t follow the script and improv-ed the whole interview. Which is totally fine, just that Joy’s english isn’t 100% so we practiced the translation for an entire hour (prior to the interview). The MC asked us, Does hair fall out after the customer stops using HAIR2? With my limited Thai, I understood that’s what he was asking, but Joy was also a bit nervous so she said to me in english “What about stop hair loss and HAIR2” and I was like…hmm??? say what? And then I just replied to him “No.”

and he was waiting for me to say more, and I said, “No hair loss.” haha so ghetto! And he was like, wow NO!!! such a simple answer! haha

A bit embarassing, but we all just laughed it off.

Ohh!! I’m not the movie star in my family!! I just saw Doug on MTV!! “Respect The O.K.” 24 Herbs!!

He’s now in Singapore performing as I type! I’m insanely envious. (of him being in Singapore, not of him being a rap star, not that being a rap star is a bad thing, just not my thing.)

Congratulations Doug!

I performed really badly on live tv today,

Extremely embarassed,


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