My Life in Bangkok

Archive for the ‘Hair Loss’ Category


Posted by baby ele on September 9, 2008

As I am blogging during work, its only natural for me to write about what I do.


  I am the marketing director of HAIR2Centre.

My father bought the worldwide distributorship of HAIR2 in 1997, so its been our core product for the past 11 years.

You know, approaching people about hair loss is an extremely touchy subject, and so, I take on the more soft approach…put HAIR2 out there, and if people are interested, they contact us. It’s extremely touchy when I see a friend who has hair loss, because I know that I have the answer for them, but everyone’s a skeptic.

I’ve honestly seen many customers change the way they look. We had one printer, who bartered with us (products in exchange for print jobs) and when I came back from York University, he dropped by our office and it was so amazing! His whole crown was thick, and he was very happy.

Also, when we first started the company, during a conference, I met a 5 year old chinese girl (couldn’t speak to her because of my lack of putonghua skills) but the doctor told me that when she was 2 she was walking near her mother when cooking, and the scalding soup pan spilt on her. Her bald patches were from the burns, and HAIR2 helped her grow back hair, at the Chinese hospital.

Oh and most recently, my sister’s friend used it and he looks completely different now.

So yes alot of people can say that I can say whatever I want, but I sincerely know that HAIR2 works.  Like everything in life, it takes effort and patience to make things happen. ( A total course of HAIR2 is on average 5 months)

I just re-designed our website :

and just for ease, I’ll also be uploading our hair loss articles in my blog.

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