My Life in Bangkok

Archive for March, 2010

A day in the life…

Posted by baby ele on March 30, 2010

Dear Readers ,

I woke up with a mission this morning – beat the traffic, submit my yearly income tax EARLY – as in be one of the first to submit. (2nd last day to submit)

And…my car wouldn’t start.

My battery collapsed
The battery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This happened to me 2 weeks ago…on a tuesday too, maybe it’s a tuesday curse kinda thing. And the same nice man, who lives 4 floors below me helped me again! He is a pro because he owns some auto-tuning shop…and he found someone who was willing to help me (so nice!) to jump start my car, and when the car was running he took hammers, wrenchs and what nots and was hammering, and tightening bolts.

And the taxi cabbie who helped me jumpstart the car? I offered him money and he declined!

On days like these, I really have to acknowledge and give props to the kind nature of Thai people. Such nice wonderful people!!! 

I made my way to my class at Goodwill.  (1.8 hour drive….12KM!!!) And I have to say, I love my ladies!

Today, Chapter 4 was titled : Do you like Rap?
So we went through all the different music genres, they didn’t know the difference between Country and Folk, so I whipped out my iPhone and played Kenny Roger’s The Gambler, and Joni Mitchell’s Case of you to illustrate the difference. And they didn’t know the Beatles and I wanted to faint. Haha, but it turns out that in Thailand, the Beatles are known as *thai name for Beatles*, and once we established that connection, we spoke about John Lennon, how he was married to a Japanese Lady (Yoko) and how he was murdered. They knew all these random details! amazing!

And, I dont know about this Chapter 4…it was a really interesting chapter, because basically, Tom asks Jennifer…Do you like Rap? And they get to know eachother, she doesn’t like rap…thinks Enimem is a pianist…and prefers Celine Dion. And in the next class exercise we have a Dating Game show where Linda chooses between Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, and Bachelor 3….(She chooses Tony.)

And then the final conversation was Dave asking Susan for a soccer-match-watching-date. And usually, I’ll give them some background, and share a bit of this ‘western’ type of culture. You know, as in, Okay, well for us, if a man is interested in a woman, he’ll just ask for a dinner date, or some date…directly, no need to go through this whole group date…friends-first sort of business.

And to prompt this discussion, I asked them, “so do Thai men do what Dave just did? outright ask women out on dates?”

To my surprise, all my students replied, “YES!”….”Yes they do, they usually ask for dinner, or a movie.”



They do? Damn…why am I getting short-changed here!

And there you have it Ladies and Gents, I am just too optimistic for my own good. Instead of facing the fact that I’m not being asked out for dinner, a movie, or anything social – because simply, there’s no love. (:() I just misinterpretted this whole lack-of-initiative as shyness! No wait, correction, lack-of-INTEREST = shyness.

Shame on me. Another huge and painful wakeup call.

And when we were going through this whole dialogue, honestly speaking? It really isn’t difficult to ask someone out.
Dave: Hey, I have tickets for a soccer-match on Friday night, would you like to go?
Susan: I’d love to, Thanks, what time is the match?
Dave: 8pm
Susan: Oh, so shall we meet at 6pm for dinner? (I LOVE SUSAN, POWER TO HER!)
Dave: I’d like to, but I have to work late…

so simple yet so difficult at the same time.

After class, I went for lunch with some of my students, which was really nice. A quick lunch and a rush to the revenue department. Which…wasn’t a bad experience at all, everyone is all smiles and I was out of there within 30 minutes.

Tennis and Gym Encounter
I think my tennis is improving, it now takes me 20 minutes to finish rallying one basket of tennis balls. But the sun was glaring down on me, and I felt like I was going to collapse so I finished tennis 15 minutes earlier than normal. Decided to use these 15 minutes to stretch upstairs at the fitness dome….saw Sebastien…wasn’t in the mood to chat or entertain him, just smiled and went straight to this private area, at the back of the gym to do stretches….

Right into my cat pose…lo and behold…..the stunned trainer approaches me. And he BOMBARDS me with questions! Oh my goodness….so stressful!

Trainer: Oh wow great to see you here…*beaming smile*…what are you doing? oooh that’s your tennis racket right there? Great, how was your playing today? how long did you play for? do you only play tennis? Oh you have two water bottles…ahaha……

Stacy: yup… and er..–

Trainer:  – So you dont teach today? what is your schedule tomorrow, do you teach tomorrow? what do you do? Oh when will be the next time you come to the gym? Do you come often? do you only play tennis? do you play weights? do you this ? do you that? do you do you do you….?????

I was really patient for the first 3 minutes, and trying to do my stretches as he was badgering me, but I was coming down with a headache, and I figured I needed a powernap before I drove home, and his questions just kept coming and coming and coming, I felt so overwhelmed!

Gagh! I had to apologise and ask if i could finish my stretches, and he apologised profusely and wai-ed and bowed out.

I felt bad for 2 seconds, and then I just enjoyed my peace and quiet.

I know I am such a fussy person, complain when I get no attention, and when I’m bombarded with attention I feel like crawling back into my shell and hiding.

Home is where the Heart is
I have to say that, when I got home at 6ish, I was feeling so incredibly drained and spent. But when I saw my two best friends, and they showered me with love and affection, all that angst and stress just melted away!

I am just so happy to stay here with them in this condo forever, and I think …at least tomorrow, that is EXACTLY what I’m going to do.

Thanks for listening to my rant, what a tiring day!

P.S. Thanks for listening to my rant, what a tiring day!

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Posted by baby ele on March 27, 2010

Dear Readers,

My monday started off so very nice and fresh as Day 1 of the GM Diet. Tuesday was great too…

Wednesday I cheated a bit and met Anne for coffee, and Aubrey for dinner and a movie. Wednesday was all about fruits and vegetables. At the movie theatre, Aubrey asked if I wanted pop corn, and I figured, Yes why not, popcorn = corn anyways right? It’s simply…popped corn? so I’m not really cheating there, and I asked for the lightly salted ones only…

Thursday, I picked up Greg from school took him to dinner and shopping. And that’s when I all let it go. Friday? I suppose I stuck to most of my diet plan, but today Saturday…totally let go, had icecream TWICE and lots of starch…damn…

And I’m starting to see that, when I’m by myself – Monday to Thursday, it is so easy to really keep to diets? But when I’m responsible for Greg, it is so difficult to stay true to dieting. How can I, when I have meals to prepare?

It’s very difficult.

I just came back from snacks with Dianna and Mark, my first time snacking in a long time, and I have to say, I honestly feel sick! I don’t like supper anymore! my body can’t take it. I feel full bloated and really grossed out with myself. Tomorrow morning I’m going to make myself a nice fresh glass of watermelon juice, and hopefully start being healthy from there.

I’ve got 1 week ’til I hit HK, and 2 weeks until Jay and I hit New York! and 2Kgs to go! I hope I’ll be more disciplined next week.

If you have strong discipline, and want to see weight loss results fast, I recommend you try to GM diet. It feels great and healthy and I’m seriously considering changing my eating lifestyle to strictly fruits and vegetables!

Disappointed with my diet disobedience,

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Posted by baby ele on March 23, 2010

Dear Readers,

So I’m not sure whether it’s my horoscope, or just pure concidence, but i think that the March – May time period is usually the period of above-normal ‘love’ occurences. Ugh, I take that back, not love…not love, more like…some ab-normal activity in my very non-existent love life.

Like say last year March? I realised that I am definitely not the type to do flings. I hate being used like a tissue, I’m not one for fast attachment followed by extremely fast detachment. As I complained to my ever-so patient friends, “I was flung like a used Tissue!!! TISSUE I TELL YOU!!!!” grr…

Yup, I kinda wish I was the fling type? But I know I’m not. My personality, character – just not meant for it. And the most worrying thing – and I think the reason why I’ve been single all these years is because people think I’m too nice. (And I say this with all my humbleness and honesty) To which I feel extremely ….!!!! about! I’m not asking to get married, all I’m asking is for a simple ‘get – to – know – you’ outing. *sigh* Dammnit, I’m apparently the marrying type, not the dating type, and thus here is a vicious cycle, If I never get to date, how will I ever get married?


Anyways, I think one of my very lovely friends shared with me the BEST COMPLIMENT of the year, and I remember telling said person, “wow, that’s like the best compliment EVER!!!!” and I have to generalise here, but I think that the bulk of women really….love compliments!

they make us blush! (at least they make me blush)

So the other day, someone completely random(not so random, ….maybe the term should be…new.) told me he missed me. I hate when people do that! I hate when men say “I miss you” when they don’t even know you! How qualified can that statement be?

So the conversation went something like this…

Stacy: okay…
Guy: I just told you I missed you.
Stacy: um, okay but you don’t know me?
Guy: I know you, I know that everytime you go out you have a warm smile on your face, and you look like a powerful business woman but deep down inside you are a sweet and sensitive romantic person….(*
Goodness I am blushing as I’m typing, damn compliments!*) And I know that in the future I’ll make relationship with you.

Wow. make relationship with me eh? Powerful and yet very creepy words. I would say something got lost in translation there.

Anyways, I think I kinda caved to possibly in the future we’d have dinner. And there are 2 different opinions on this, on one camp, my friends are telling me, why not! give it a never know! don’t limit yourself! And on another camp, my friends are telling me, don’t waste your time, if you don’t think there is anything there, don’t just date for the sake of it.

Ugh, I don’t just want to date for the sake of it, waste of my time. And I’m slowly realising, that there is a high chance that I am those types of people who are incapable of casual dating several people at the same time. dammnit. dammnit.

Why is it always the case the one you are interested in doesn’t even know you exist? I was contemplating recently about this current particular person, really wonderful warm person, and I think the words, “He’s just not into you” really sums it all up. Sooo…on that note, I concede. He just isn’t into me. boo!!!!

And just when I was losing all faith in the gutsy-ness of Thai men…I experienced a mini-episode today…

*open scene 1*

Setting 1: I was happily chatting with Dianna at my fitness club’s ground floor, waiting for a messenger to come and pick up documents. Minding my own business, but I have to say, I am usually very happy and chirpy when I’m chatting to my bff. xoxo!!!

*close scene 1*

*open to scene 2*

Setting 2: Just finished tennis,  holding my purse, gym bag, tennis racket, and accounting documents, juggling all of them, and this new fitness trainer helps me press the elevator button.

Stacy: Thank you!
Trainer: No problem.As the elevator doors opens to the ground floor….they open to reveal the same fitness trainer standing in front of them!

Stacy: !? oh, oops. sorry *ushers away to the side*
Trainer: Oh Hi. I saw you chatting on the telephone earlier this afternoon. And I was thinking, who is that person with such a nice voice? It’s like from a cartoon?
Stacy: haaa…okay…:)
Trainer:  I just heard your voice, and saw you sitting there…and you were just so…stunning!
Stacy: *stunned*!! *pause* Thank you for your compliment!
Trainer: The way you speak is so nice and clear… and May I have the honour of walking you to your car?
Stacy: Sure…
Trainer: So, where are you from?
Stacy: Canada
Trainer: Oh wow, Canadian…I don’t think I’ve met one before
Stacy: There are alot at the Club!
Trainer: Have you seen the movie, South Park?
Stacy: No, I don’t like it, but why..? The Canadian references?
( I actually can’t remember what he said at this point, oops)
Trainer: Thank you so much for letting me walk you to your car, do you think I will have the pleasure of seeing you again?
Stacy: Yup, I gym often…well…not so often…but I do gym
Trainer: Oh great. Say, do you think it’s possible if I could have your number? I won’t harass you or anything…

Alright so…if you were in my shoes…what would you do……

dammnit. I gave my card.

It’s this networking business instinct. Dammnit!!! dammnit!!! (wow I’m swearing alot in this blog post, sorry if I’m offending anyone)

Trainer: Oh you are a tutor? English tutor?
Stacy: Yup, English tutor
Trainer: And math tutor?
Stacy: Yup, English, math, science the whole works.
Trainer: Math right? Great, the whole nine yards! <<–at this point, I have to say I am fairly impressed by his english and the use of the idiom – “the whole nine yards”
Stacy: Well, thank you so much for walking me to my car, and thank you for your compliment
Trainer:  Please don’t thank me, it’s not a compliment, it’s the truth, you are really stunning! the way you were sitting there on the couch, and the setting, you really looked like a princess 🙂
Stacy: *stunned* 🙂 haha..okay goodbye!


*end scene 2*

So, there you have it, I am stunning.

You know what? I am also very flattered! I don’t think I’ve ever been called stunning before.  Very nice words to hear on a quite discouraging week!

So…some Thai men are actually ballsy! This trainer used to work at California Fitness, so maybe he’s soliciting business too?  haha, no no no, I won’t give him my business, all my loyalty belongs to my friend and trainer. (cant say his name)

It makes so much of a difference when the person you like compliments you, or pays any attention to you, those types of compliments will just linger and leave you to reminsce on throughout your day…and weeks….

Staring outwards and daydreaming,

Posted in Love Notes, neurotic tendencies | Leave a Comment »

And finally…sometime to myself…

Posted by baby ele on March 21, 2010

Dear Readers,
I have had a craving to blog for the longest time, but never MADE time to blog…until today.

So, in the past month – Huge Achievement = JAMIE MADE IT TO THE TOP 20 FINALIST OF IT’S:MY:TIME!!!

Meaning that, she will be a United Colors of Benetton Model for – Fall/Winter 2010!!! Exciting exciting exciting!

She is a sweetie pie, and chose me to go along with her to New York!  So… New York New York! Here we come!

You know what, this win was such a morale booster for me. I really helped Jamie 20000%. We are such a good tag team, working around the clock, campaigning, nagging my friends to vote, monitoring the votes (who voted, who didn’t, who to nag, who to thank..)  Some of my friends were worried about me, “Stacy, don’t spread yourself out too thin…” or “wow, Stacy you are working really hard on this…take a break”

Yes – worked blood sweat and tears, but the whole It’s:My:Time campaign became my obsession. Something that I could turn to, work hard at, and see actual results from. 

So, the lesson from this is, know what you want, visualise it, and with hard work, you can achieve it.

The only problem for me is that I don’t know what I want, and I don’t know if I can even ask or demand for it….

Let the soul-searching begin,

Posted in Monumental days, Random reflections | Leave a Comment »

Bangkok Warning: Locations to Avoid + Avoid taxi drivers who wear red shirts

Posted by baby ele on March 12, 2010

Dear Readers,

Yes sorry haven’t written for a while. The UDD protests start today! I’m posting these locations and keeping everyone updated with most recent political stuff. Am just about to head to the mall, but will write more when I get back.

Total locations to avoid – 33 locations!! THIRTY THREE! How ridiculous is this!

Here are the locations to avoid – from March 12th to….indefinite (Hopefully by next week it will all be over).

List of Locations to Avoid
1. Supreme Court of Thailand
2. Criminal Court
3. Bangkok Bank Silom
4. Bangkok Bank Nana
5. Kasikorn Thai Bank Nana
6. Siam Commercial Bank Headquarters
7. Grand Palace
8. Siriraj Hospital
9. Major Cineplex Rachayothin
10. BigC Rachaboonrana
11. Central World
12. Central Ladprao
13. Prannok Market
14. Minburi Market
15. Daokanong Market
16. Pattawikorn Market
17. Arun Amarin Intersection
18. Rom Klao Intersection (Near Ramkhamhaeng)
19. Kaset Nawamin Intersection
20. Kaset Nawamin Market
21. Kaset Nawamin at Wat Praditmanutum
22. Nawamin Intersection
23. Narathiwat Intersection at Silom
24. Silom Intersection at Rama 4 (Chulalongkorn Hospital)
25. Saparn Kwai Intersection (Ladprao)
26. Klongtoey Intersection
27. Ramkhamhaeng Rd.
28. Ram Intra Rd.
29. Tee Wa Karn Bangkok
30. Suan Luum
31. Pratumwan Princess
32. Pratumwan
33. Utantawai

Warning 2: Avoid taxi drivers who wear red shirts….
because….they might take you hostage! (!!!)

Gotta run,

please heed my warnings!
Stay safe,

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